

Re: Michael M's Blogs
2015-03-09 I was just wondering if anybody else has been restricted from commenting on Michael M's blogs, or is it just me?

I think the only time I ever replied to one of his blogs was when I sarcastically replied by saying, "The Sky is also blue". It seems to me like this is not a civilized way of discussion, and for one to be so sensitive to any comments on his blogs, is not only not fair, but also extremely ostentatious and jerk-like. I have met many foreigners in this country over the years, and many, many who have moved here for a couple of years and think they know everything. But for someone to out-write "block" me from commenting anymore on his own self-righteous writing for such a trivial quip is very angry-making, and shows how small some foreigners can be when they move here with their own sense of self-entitlement and altruistic rubbish that they constantly spew which makes all of us real China Hands look bad.

Censorship in China is bad; and thin-skinned, self-righteous Americans who filter other real China Hands from making real commentary on their own writing makes this Forum look even worse. If you are in love with yourself for moving to China, and have some super-superior complex which you can't even discuss with those younger than you, who have lived here longer than you...well that's just the tip of your insecure iceberg. This is supposed to be an open Forum for discussion, American ego aside. And for those that have lived and experienced this country and have given their lives to China, I say this: this is not just for those foreigners who want to make a name for themselves in an internet Forum.

This Forum is not a platform for your own ego.

So, Michael M, I know you are great, because that is all you talk about. Why not open your doors, Deng Xiaoping style, and accept some of the opinions of the Foreigners who have lived here longer than you, and maybe even, with your help, can be as great as you someday. I don't like arrogant Foreigners who are full of themselves, let alone those who do so and shut out others opinions of their own self-righteous, trivial musings. Not for me, and not for my foreign brethren who have given our lives to this country. Congrats on your award for being thee haughty, know-it-all Blogger of 2013, who makes sure everyone knows it.

You really still have so much to learn about this country. And if you don't get that, then get over yourself, stop wasting my/our time, and stop pretending to be the be-all and end-all of Sinology, and start really experiencing this country by learning the language and traveling everywhere you can and speaking to the locals wherever you go. Because that's what I've done. For 12 years. Humility is one of the greatest of Chinese virtues. I hope, for all of us, you will get that someday. Until then, keep blocking me in your privacy settings for saying, "the sky is blue", and anyone else who slightly disagrees with you or hurts your feelings. You may be older than I am, but you sir, need to grow up.

Really, how much self-congratulations do you need? Please open your heart, and mind to those who also love this country. I have lived here too long and been too far in China to be so cavalierly blocked from commenting on your haughty, imperious, pretentious posts.

Thank you for your understanding.


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