

China's Football Shame
2015-01-10 While I am a very passionate person regarding many things in life, ales and beer, good coffee, travel, reading, swimming, cooking, music, movies etc, my biggest passion is sport. I follow many sports, both watching and playing, and one thing that bothers me a lot in China is the sports fan mentality.

When I say "China's Football shame" I don't mean the lack of results by the Chinese national team or the corruption in local competitions. What is shameful to me is the Chinese football fan. To not support your national team and local club is a disgrace. No matter the results, whether you win or lose, you support your local club and country.

While I accept you might not watch the CSL because you don't care too much for the quality, you would still watch the occasional game and check the progress of your provincial team. Even if you're country side has lost 50 in a row, you still support them at least in spirit. Not necessarily the players or management, but the team itself. You cannot respectfully support Barcelona or Real Madrid or Chelsea but have no interest in the Chinese team.

I spent the first 20 years of my life watching Australia play terrible football, and have been through a lot of misery, but no matter what happens, you still support them. I don't follow the A-league closely, but I still keep track of Sydney FC as much as I do the Premier league team I support or any other club I'm interested in (Aston Villa BTW, not because they are big trophy winning club but because and Australian was playing for them in the mid 90s when I started watching. And once you choose a club, you never ever switch.)

Sadly however, I can't blame the fans completely. While trying to find articles on the Asian Cup currently being played in Australia, there is almost nothing. Normally at the lead in to a major tournament you would find a dozen articles on the national team, the key players, the tactics and strategy to be expected etc. But the only article I found was about Chinese people not betting on their national side to make it out of the group stages. 1 article on the Chinese team and it's a negative one. Shame on the media for not getting behind the team and the sport more.

And for any Chinese football fans reading this, I don't want to hear lame excuses about how bad the team is, how they make lots of money but don't play well etc. Because after all, there is a much bigger team that spends a lot more money and time on football but has their players fail to turn up at every major tournament for 50 years. English fans will be nodding and grimacing at this. it doesn't matter if your players don't play well, seem spoilt or overpaid or lazy. they are not the Chinese national team. They are just on of thousands of players to put on that jersey. It's the fans that truly create the team spirit and passion.

So Chinese sports fans, get behind your team and try sending them some positive vibes for once. I know that they will be my second team at this tournament, so when China takes on Saudi Arabia later today, as massive underdogs, I will be supporting them!
中国! 中国!中国! Oi Oi Oi!

well, how good were China? despite being knocked out by my beloved Socceroos, the Chinese won 3 matches, at least 2 more than expected, and played great football against Australia for at least 60 minutes. The support from fans in Australia was huge and the attitude of the team was positive.
The fans? as usual it was the media and the fans that disappointed, not really getting excited until after China won the first two games and I hear television audiences were low for the first two games, only picking up after the wins. The bandwagon is a popular ride.
As an example, i was watching the game in a small local bar last night, the only person there on a wednesday at 6.30. for 70 minutes there was not a single Chinese fan in the bar. then with 20 minutes to go 3 groups of CHinese "football fans" came in, acted all "i told you so, they are losing!" when they saw it was 2-0 and then proceeded to spend the next half hour complaining about the players while occasionally shouting "hao qiu!" at the screen (most of the time it was not a good ball, but these guys didn't understand the game at all).
So I was both proud of my Aussies, and of the Chinese team who I will continue to support as my 3rd national team (my father is Scottish so I support Scotland 2nd) no matter whether they win or lose.


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