

What's the difference? Taiwan food scandal and Pakistan schoolchildren killed.
Two unrelated events. One in Pakistan. Another in Taiwan. One resulted in 132 children killed by the Taliban in a school. The other another food scandal from the same company providing instant noodle that people eat every other day. The other time it was oil for human mixed with oil as animal feed. This time is tofu.Both events are murder. One delivered via a bullet to the children in Pakistan. The other delivered via poison in food to the consumers in Taiwan. Ok. I'm being too dramatic. But I think I made my point.

Knowingly and intentionally putting in banned substance that can kill in food you sell, that is no different from murder. It is not even homicide. Homicide is death due to accident. This is intentional, deliberate and evil.

It does not matter if the banned food substance were delivered to the population out of profit or terrorist motive, the result and intent are the same.

There is tight quality control over products that come out of a factory. Production and delivery of food should be even more stringent in its quality control. Defective phone can be thrown into the bin. Defective food substance stays in your body. And it stays there for a long, long time. It becomes like a cancer.

I'm starting to sound too careless in how I'm stating things. However my point is that one too many people are very careless in how they deliver food into the mouth of the population. They become very careless about other people's life, their children and, even, their own relatives who buys their food; believing them to be safe. But their trust was misplaced.

How is it that in a culture where face and trust is so important that it is now treated so carelessly and recklessly. Where have they left their "face", their family image and the name left by their forefathers. Obviously all that is worth less than NT$1.

Famous instant noodle brand pulled back into food scandal
"Tainted dried tofu products continued to come to light thanks to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday as it published the latest list of affected companies goods that includes Wei Lih Men sauce package (維力炸醬包), a well-known instant noodle brand, and many other tofu manufacturers.
Several months ago, Wei Lih Men became involved in the oil scandal by misusing tainted oil that had been mixed with animal feed oil, and had to pull all of its products from the shelves. "

There is no difference if you killed with a bullet or with tainted food.
The result is the same - death of the innocent.


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