

Can Scores Really Tell Your Academic Performance?
2014-10-06 As scores for TEM-4 just came out today at my university, there is an air of tension lurking. Nervous to know the results, I scrolled down the list to find out where I was. And when I finally saw my score, I became silent. I flunked my examination, not literally flunked but way lower than my expectation. I entertained the notion that I must be on the top but turned out to be just average, well, maybe over the average just a little.
This makes me think. Does scores really matter? And the question is not brand new to be asked. However, the answer is not well given by anyone or myself.
The answer could be: of course, it is. The paper contains what most english learners need to know about english language. It evaluates your listening skills, comprehension ability, and writing skills as well. And the examination is somewhat authoritative. People think highly of it. Examinees prepare fully and concentrate on it.
But the answer could also be: come on, you know what you are capable of. The paper is knowledge-limited. Your ability can not be shown on just a piece of plain paper.There are much more of you to be discovered, which can not be assessed by the examination.
Anyway, what has come out is out. I just have to take what I have got. One thing is for sure, I still need to work on achieving the best of me.


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