

Does a perfect love relationship exist

Friendship is not that easy sometimes, and most of the time we expect even more from a love relationship. This made us usually incline to examine a love relationship with a magnifier and start to doubt: does a perfect love relationship exist?

As we saw when we were young boys or girls, the lovers in the TV dramas or movies always suffer a lot, for example they may experience betrayals, hurts or heartbreaks, before they say they love each other and get together again. Later in the real life our own experiences might also tell us there seldom exists a perfect love relationship – in other words, we could always find out some minor errors there.

People may say a good lover should know when and how to “forgive” or be “considerate” in a good relationship. Hum, this could probably make the love seem “perfect” because the relationship itself has been sublimated. We have to admit we are all looking for perfect love relationships deep in our heart.

But on the other hand, why seek for a perfect love relationship anyway? William Shakespeare once said:” And ruined love when it is built anew, grows fairer than at first, more strong, far greater.” Perhaps living in a love relationship and cherishing everything more carefully is more important. As long as we have grown from a love relationship, I think it should be remembered, no matter whether it is perfect or not.


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