

The fall

With time going by, the fall is coming.

It is a strange season. Different individuals will have different feelings for it. While in most people`s eyes, it is a sentmental season, for the depressed sightseeing. But I actually love the season deeply. Though we do not have any ties with each other:I was ont born in the season but spring,my best colour is not yellow but violet, and I do not like the parting seanson. However, when all the thing get together, I like it. Someone may think it`s ridiculous and intricate. Yes, what I like is the feeling, a kind mixed feeling. In the season, wonderful wheather, I always get up early, breath the fresh air, do some exercise, and do some reading. Wow, what a nice day. Sometimes, a falling leaf maybe down on my head, and i will see it to be a lucky day.

In the coming fall, I do not have any idea about what will happen. I just keep cuorious.


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