

My Walk on Cloud Nine
Well what to say, this is my feeling when I take my usual after dinner walk on my compound. I have stayed in the same compound for the past four years in beijing aind I kind of really soaked into its surroundings. It is really nice with all infrastructure, sport facilities, swimming pool etc however I do not intend to share about the facilities in this forum but my walk which elevates me to cloud nine and of late I have started complaining about it as well, as the lustre is wearing off a little.
I am not a fitness freak as such but i try to take a walkon the compound after dinner and preferably at around 9 pm as primarily I feel it is less populated after that. It becomes my empire and I am the emperor proudly moving in the dreamy streets of my kingdom with dim lights, the huge towers gazing at me from the sides as if gaurding me from an enemy . The moon shinning above only adds the romance .Overall it was my walk on cloud nine at this time with an occasional invader or two and few regulars whom i decided to let them be my companion very generously.
Frankly i meet or rather walk with a few faces I grew aquainted with time be it the guy with long braided hair and wears stylish socks each time I meet him and he walks with a desire to keep the entire road to himself and a few regular joggers I grew aquainted with time . Some times there might be some new faces and if you brush or happen to gaze at them accidently might invite a frown to your amusement thinking... what did i do .
But what I personally disapprove is basically people bringing their pet animals and making them do you know what..... just on the sides of the walk and besides that I donot object to any other activities. However I eventually started noticing that invaders of my walk increased manifold recently at 9 pm and I choose to take my cloud nine walk at 9;30 pm but the problem cease to exist . Nevertheless I continue my walk.


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