

Your Exist Inside My Song

I want to share with all of you my favorite Chinese song. This song is a song about love and destiny, how fate bring two people together. Have you ever felt how strange it is for one person to suddenly appear in our life but it feels like that we've waiting for their arrival all along? One day a stranger, lovers the next day.

That's what this song's about. Enjoy.
The lyrics are in Hanzi, Pinyin, English, and also Indonesian.
If you are outside of China, you can find the song in Youtube.
If you are inside The Great Firewall of China, you can find the song in Baidu or Youku.

我的歌声里 (Wo De Ge Sheng Li) - You Exist Inside My Song / Kau Hadir Di Dalam Laguku


没有一点点防备 也没有一丝顾虑

Mei you yi dian dian fang bei ye mei you yi si gu lue

Without any precaution, and without a trace of apprehension

Kau muncul dengan sangat tiba-tiba, tanpa pernah kuduga

你就这样出 现在我的世界里 带给我惊喜 情不自已

Ni jiu zhe yang chu xian zai wo de shi jie li dai gei wo jing xi qing bu zi yi

You appeared in my world, bringing a pleasant surprise, that I couldn’t resist

Tetapi duniaku, seolah telah lama menantikanmu

可是你偏又这样 在我不知不觉中

Ke shi ni pian you zhe yang zai wo bu zhi bu jue zhong

But soon after that, without me noticing, you quietly disappeared from my world

Tetapi mengapa, tanpa kusadari, kau menghilang dari hidupku

悄悄的消失 从我的世界里 没有音讯 剩下的只是回忆

Qiao qiao de xiao shi cong wo de shi jie li mei you yin xun sheng xia de zhi shi hui yi

Without a word, leaving behind only memories

Tiada air mata atau perpisahan, semua hanya tinggal kenangan


你存在 我深深的脑海里

Ni cun zai wo shen shen de nao hai li

You exist, deep in my mind,

Kau akan selalu hadir di dalam kalbuku

我的梦里 我的心里 我的歌声里

Wo de meng li wo de xin li wo de ge sheng li

In my dreams, in my heart, and in my song

Di dalam setiap mimpi indahku, di dalam relung hatiku, dan di setiap dendang laguku

你存在 我深深的脑海里

Ni cun zai wo shen shen de nao hai li

You exist, deep in my mind,

Kau akan selalu hadir di dalam kalbuku

我的梦里 我的心里 我的歌声里

Wo de meng li wo de xin li wo de ge sheng li

In my dreams, in my heart, and in my song

Di dalam setiap mimpi indahku, di dalam relung hatiku, dan di setiap dendang laguku

[Verse2]还记得我们曾经 肩并肩一起走过 那段繁华巷口

Hai ji de wo men ceng jing jian bing jian yi qi zou guo na duan fan hua xiang kou

I still remember the first time we walk side by side, passing that bustling alley

Masih ku teringat, saat pertama kita bertemu di tengah hiruk pikuknya jalan itu

尽管你我是陌生人 是过路人

Jiu guan ni wo shi mo sheng ren shi guo lu ren

We were just strangers, passing by each other,

Kita hanyalah dua orang asing, yg tidak sengaja berpapasan


Dan bi ci hai shi gan jue dao le dui fang de

We still felt each other

Tapi hati kita, seolah sudah saling terhubung

一个眼神 一个心跳

Yi ge yan shen yi ge xin tiao

One look, one beat of the heart,

Satu pandangan pertama, satu rasa di dalam dada

一种意想不到的快乐 好像是

Yi chong yi xiang bu dao de kuai le hao xiang shi

One unexpected happiness

Sebuah pertemuan yg tidak terduga

一场梦境 命中注定

Yi chang meng jing ming zhong zhu ding

Like a dream, we were destined to meet

Tapi seolah di dalam mimpiku, aku telah lama merindukanmu

Repeat Chorus


Shi jie da wei he wo men xiang yu

The world is so big, why did we meet?

Di dunia yg begitu luas ini, mengapa kita bertemu?

难道是缘分 难道是天意

Nan dao shi yuan fen nan dao shi tian yi

Could it have been chance? Could it have been destiny?

Apakah hanya kebetulan? Ataukah ini memang takdir?

Repeat Chorus


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