

Chinglish That Foreigners May Not Understand
2014-07-31 One culture, you have to admit, is changing another especially in terms of language. As often as Chinglish is heard, I find it interesting to share some of the most used Chinglish by Chinese people.
1.No zuo no die
This one is catching up lately,which in Chinese is 不作死就不会死. It describes people who find trouble before trouble itself find themselves. So, it's kind of the opposite meaning of an English saying——Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. And I've heard you can look this one up in Oxford dictionary now.
2.Give you some color to see see.
This one is pretty old and may not be authorized by English-speaking people. It works as an warning that the person who says it is furious (or being playful between good friends) and wants to kick somebody's ass.
3.You jump, I jump.
I will say this is the most confusing one. Because literally you have no idea what it means. It is used when two people are confronted with a dilemma(mostly is a dangerous one). Under that circumstance, one of them who says this is encouraging the other to do it first and he will follow him unconditionally.
These are what I can think of right now. PLEASE leave your comments if you have any adds.


csj478504919 2014-08-15 10:05

Chinese sayings are coming out of nowhere, just as creepy and unpredictable. 

teamkrejados 2014-08-15 08:18

RE: 'no zuo no die' confused me at first because the saying in English is 'Do or Die', meant to describe loyalty and determination. Thanks for the explanation