

Some Words to Say at the End of the Blog Contest

At the end of April I got to know this blog contest from ChinaDaily’s mobile newspaper, and I gladly joined the online activity. I began to write blogs in early May, and now almost three months of competition has passed.

Without any doubt each of us has somehow improved our writing skills during this period. At least for me, I think I have broadened my vocabulary a little bit. The most important is that we’ve got to know many friends here, people share ideas together, and argue on hot or controversial issues in a friendly way with each other, all of these have made the blog area full of contributions like in a well-organized big family.

ColinSpeakman and Cai-shen are two fellow bloggers that I have interacted the most. Although the round of blog contest for expats has ended some time ago, I notice that they are still writing blogs regularly and make comments for others’ blog actively. This can prove much passion from them for this forum indeed. I would like to show my gratitude to their guidance and a lot of comments.

I am quite happy that I have joined this activity and write blogs in English here, and as I promise so far, I think I will keep up posting what I see and what I am thinking here at least in the near future. Hope more people would join us!


Celandine0910 2014-08-19 19:00

You've got a better explanation of what I said. Thank you~

liu5222512 2014-08-19 16:32

Something attempted, something done.
Keep going forward.