

Pizza and more

Talking about the pizza hut ,still now,i heard of the news ,it is the chain store of American .we all feel it cater to Chinese people and always we consider the native dishes.With the economy rapidly developed in China,fast food becomes more and more popular among the Chinese people.And I want to ask why? For itis high price, phenomenon and service there maybe different reasons for the different people .just as an old saying :every coins has its two sides.for me ,I like the ease in the Macdonald best.Buy one coffee ,reading a book,listening the soft music ,I can stay there for whole day.that s my entertainment .even the coffee was not good .I just like this way.one book and one day. I still remember when I was a college student .thats the common thing for me .certainly,I see a lot of people doing the same thing like me.the reason we do this not for something that for books. The fans of the books .even now , As an editor,need morefantastic ideas to expand my horizons.Reading books is my best hobby .Ilike buy books from the internet ,every times the postman always tell to me .the man like you is much too little .for exchange ,I also know him of an fans of books.and now , we are good friends.Sometimes we dont need more friends,one enough.In condition,fully understand each other,have an common point,know what you know.


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