

my opinions about college students' finding part-time job in other places.
As all of us know that there is a growing tendency for college students to hunt for a part-time job during their summer holiday.There is no doubt that doing a part-time job can really help us to gain some social experiences and have a better knowledge of things around us,however ,as every coin has two sides,every year we are always exposed to some negative news about college students' working outside,some students realized that they had been deceived by some social -people , as a result ,some of them returned home safely while others were taken in pyramid sales and even lost their valuable lives ,what a great pain for their families. Actually,we can know the reason that some students are easily deceived by some social- people is that the student' desire of making money is so strong,and these social-people can catch this feeling,luring students to work at their place,and get cheaper workforce ,what makes us angry is that these factories are not responsible for these students.
I'm not completely opposed students to find a part-time job,what we should bear in mind is that we should put our safety at the first place ,for example , we can make a contract with the factory ,not in verble but in written in a paper ,we should know some laws ,to use the knowledge of laws to protect our legal rights rather than only making money ,money and money.


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