

Sri Lanka
2014-06-29 Do you know about the country Sri Lanka? And have you ever been to Sri Lanka? Ok, now I will introduce it to you, and then you will like it and long for visiting it.
Sri Lanka is located on Indian Ocean, it is a beautiful tropical island country and it lies to the south of India ,seperated from India by the Palk Strait in the northwest. It is like a drop of tear of Indian Peninsula.
The meaning of the word Sri Lanka is land of happiness, it stands for bright and rich. It is reputed to be "jewelry kingdom" and "the bright pearl on Indian Ocean".
Sri Lanka has ever been considered as the most beautiful island in the world and it has the most beautiful coast . And it has mysterious ancient cities and rich natural heritages. It has special and charming history and cultures.
Sri Lanka bases on agriculture. Its main export product is black tea.
In all, Sri Lanka is worth visiting.


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