

My impression on Wufengxi Ancient Town

[imgid=0]This Sunday,June 15,it is father’s Day. My wife and I went to visit the ancient town Wufengxi,in Jintang county.


The are a lot of vernacular dwelling in Qing Dynasty style.Guanshen Temple(关圣宫) and Nanhua Palace(南华宫) are splendid and harmony.Wufengxi was a prosperous dock from Han and Tang Dynasty(about 1500 years ago) on the upriver of Tuojiang.There were four ferries,Zhahu,Mingyang,Jinniu,Luoba.During the prosperous time,more than 100 boats filled with cargos,such as grains,handcrafts sailed to Chongqing,Yibin,everyday,returning with salt,fruits and grocery,then transfered to Chengdu,50Kms away.

After the highway and railway built,trucks and trains replaced the boats.The town is faded and depressed.It has been leisure and tranquil,until more and more visitors interfere in recent years.

2 celebrity编辑

He Lin,a famous philosopher,was born in Wufengxi. The museum ,his former residence are rebuilded near the town.

Front of the Musuem


statue of He Lin

He Lin and his family

The musuem hall

the church

The ferry

The Guanshan Temple before rebuilding

Guanshan Temple


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