

The classical love story I will share.
Last weekend,on June 1st,I went to Shunan Bamboo Sea and LiZhuang,one ancient town nearby
Yibin,in the south of Sichuan.I have nothing to say about Shunan Bamboo Sea.In Lizhuang,I
visited the former residence of Liang(梁思诚)-lin(林徽因)。
Liang-Lin is famous in China.Apart from they had archievement on construction and
research on ancient building.It is well known for their love story.It is one of the
classical love stories in China,especially in recent 100 years.
When I got home,I found a book on http://book.sina.com.cn/,it is 你若安好便是晴
天,biography of Lin huiyin(林徽因).
There were six people,Xu Zhimo(徐志摩),Lin Huiyin(林徽因),Zhang Youyi(张幼仪),Lu
Xiaoman(陆小曼),Liang Sicheng(梁思诚),Jin Yuelin(金岳霖), in the story.
Xu and Lin falled in love in London,in 1920.Xu was 23 years old, married with Zhang.Lin
was 16.had an engagement with Liang.
Afterward,Xu was divorced for Lin.But Lin got married with Liang in 1928 and last for
Xu falled in love another woman Lu, who had a husband then. The brave woman divorced and
got married with Xu.
There was another man Jin,He had a failed marriage.He loved Lin for his rest life and
followed her where she was.


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