

These days, feeling decadent and tired because of I had too much at ease.
I miss my dear friend, Adriano--a natural Brazilian gentleman.
Still remember the first tilme we meet, his friendly behavior left me a deep impression.
Even though his English is not good, he gets up earlier to practise it. (Just because I was the first person to the office almost every day, I realize he's so hard-working than others.- ^)
He's a modest person who often asks us questions. And, always says "thank you "and "please".
He's very polite. He says hello to everybody every day with a big smile, which, gave us a positive energy.
He's very kind. Sometimes he likes to buy us chocolate as a gift.
The only shortcoming is that sometimes it's hard for me to understand what he says. And the root is our oral English, still need to improve.
Before I know Adriano, I've been heard sth. about the Brazilians, and it seemed that people didn't think highly of the Brazilian guys. However, all the people here speaked highly of Adriano and called him an absolutely Brazilian gentleman.
Yeah, for me, it's a fact.
Remembering that Adriano once said my smile also impressed him a lot.
He reminded me to keep smile. But how come? My dear friend, sorry that I lost my smile, finally.
At this moment, I really miss your beautiful smile, your postive energy.


ColinSpeakman 2014-06-09 12:59

Has he gone back to Brazil to watch the World Cup?