

shengnu, why is this in China ?
2014-06-09 I have read a few articles about this. It would seem, if they are well educated and intelligent, they would be MORE desirable.
I know, in the United States, some men look at them and avoid them. Other men, just the opposite.
I find these women attractive. Well educated, self suffiecient and intelligence are in my boo desirable.
With a little age too comes more sophistication, worldllyness ( is there such a word ) ?? lol, which are also great traits.

With these attributes comes good conversation over a nice dinner and a walk
To me at least, I find it appreciated.


laoren1234 2014-06-09 10:04

This phenomenon exists pretty much in every developed country. It only becomes a so called problem in China when over concerned parents, long nosed relatives and friends all try to get in with their two cents worth.  

ColinSpeakman 2014-06-09 09:17

Basically, age is just a number!