

A Wet Time in Xiamen
2014-06-07 Big celebration today - after injuring my knee four weeks ago, despite big rain during the night, today I climbed up the nearby mountain to the badminton terrace where the locals drink tea and do all manner of nice things early in the morning. Knee performed well and despite the wet surfaces, I had a nice hit without throwing myself all around the place. But after about 20 minutes, the rain started, the "serious players" group withdrew under their little tent, or in the case of our group, on to the little veranda in front of General Zheng Cheng Gong's temple where we stared out at the pelting downpour. One of our veterans told me Fujian was the wettest place in China at the moment, even wetter than Guangdong in the rainy season - and the typhoons haven't even started yet. We all agreed it was hard to get the washing dry this past month. I usually hang it on a clothes horse and point a fan at it in the living room. After I was told that today's forecast was for big rain, I huddled under my little umbrella and went home, getting soaked along the way, sloshing through waterfalls on the 384 steps down to street level. But when it's hot, I don't really mind getting wet and I was overjoyed about starting up my favourite Saturday morning exercise again.
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When I think of heavy rain in Fujian, though, I feel concerned about the mountain communities. Every year the train line seems to be affected by landslides and floods in the rainy season or typhoons and big floating islands of hyacinth are washed out of the Jiulong River and go heading out to sea or wash up on the beaches, along with some dead pigs or goats. I feel apprehensive about the typhoon predictions. The local news always says something like, "This year twelve typhoons will affect Xiamen and four of them will be serious." My apartment windows are very poor quality and rain finds its way in, so I had to invent my own "typhoon protectors" to try to keep the rain out. As an Australian, it's almost taboo to complain about rain because we generally haven't got enough water (except for the big floods). So, I welcome it, I love the luxuriant deep green vegetation, but a little corner of my heart is apprehensive, for in southern China, some people always lose their life in the typhoons.


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