

An essay

As is known to us all ,the beautiful sceneries sets off the beauties. I have stayed in Chongqing since four months ago.I acknowledged that many scenic spots has its features.pinpoint this distinguish,sometimes you can find some interesting things that you cant imagine.

Last weekend, I went to drop by my friends who live in Jiangjin district. Just only to say, the development of the city is so faster than ever. After we launching.my friend take me to the bank which is the branch of Yangtze river. There are many boats and goods in the river.however, the water is not so clean.It's curseful that some one drop the dirty to the river. We should keep our environment from polluting.Thats our duties.

When I recalled my childhood,I still bring the fond memory in my mind.playing the water with my buddy, hide and seek ,rope skipping ,eagle catches chicks. A little pond was behind my house and many trees burst forth in spring .Of course ,that's pleased me and make me amazing about everything. I have no worries and just think about these carefree time.

Up to now, I still look forward to cherishing those good old days.Maybe we are all sucker for nostalgia.slower, slower ,slow your step and obey the heart.


winnie伊伊 2014-06-06 08:38

yeap,work hard and enjoy the life.cherish what you have at the moment.

ColinSpeakman 2014-06-04 21:13

Yes, take the time to smell the roses!