

Revisiting a city
If you have an opportunity to visit a city more than once, would you visit the same places? If you were to visit Beijing again, would you want to visit the Forbidden city, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall of China, Tianmen Square? If you were to visit Shanghai again, would you revisit the Bund, the Oriental Pearl tower?
Sometimes, some places are worth revisiting. Maybe they left a lasting impression that left you thinking about that place.
If you were to revisit a place again, would your perception of that place change? Or would you rather keep that first impression forever in your mind.


ColinSpeakman 2014-06-01 16:56

Questions! Questions! Seriously, I think it depends on what happened the first time. If I visited a city first timevwithbacspecualmfruend or met a nice friend there, and went back on my own, I might want to return to recall some special memories at the same places. If I had a list of places I had missed out first time, I might focus on those.

SEARU 2014-06-01 13:19

Revisiting is a kind of rethinking !