

O Summer Mercy
2014-05-30 From last two days its scorching heat and too hard to walk under sun while i see Chinese people specially girls using umbrella. I thought this summer will be my best in relief as in my home town its usually too hot in summer. But my bad luck, i heard that its the top ranked hot summer since 50's.
Being Muslim i have to fast and this time fasting is in summer so i am thinking to change my plan of staying in Beijing. But still have to wait and see if the temperature remains same or change.
This is my first summer in China and i was very excited but it seems i still need to fight with environment. In winter it was too cold, smog, later in spring pollen allergy visited me and now summer heat.
Interesting thing this summer was hands free umbrella and i decided to purchase this best summer invention. Some of P-caps i saw were with fans and people are trying to use best of resources to avoid summer.
If you guys have any suggestion about summer or prediction about heat share your comments.


msbom 2014-06-07 09:13

Beijing has the worst climate - do like the Chinese do and come to Xiamen for a tropical but refreshing break (except you will find too many people here from the north who ran here too). Just now my friends told me Fujian had the highest rainfall in China recently - I know every day I can't get the washing dry. Everything is so green and the air is clean though humid. I climbed the great wall one summer over 42 degrees Celsius. I thought I would die and the photos are hilarious. Beijing, love to visit, glad not to live there.

snowipine 2014-06-01 19:32

Learn to drink more tea, and outdoor activities can be changed to the evening street walking or jogging. Sweating by the exercise is very cozy, have tried?
Hand-free umbrella is a fresh product, I haven't yet met, hope to buy one, later.