

one place ,the things you never know

Henan is a province with a large population, the number of candidates each year in the country is also come out in front.Arguably, a large population that if not several well-known domesticinstitutions of higher learning in the province of words, probablyjustified. The higher education level can influence the part of people's life, it can have large effects can not be estimated for the country's future. If a high school every year and outward transport ofdozens of excellent students, also natural Henan and other province,there are many high school, because the number is much, natural to hold so many people of high school education can not be less.However, almost everyone knows: Henan only a "985211" University-- Zhengzhou University. In the view of many people, this is not fair,because a college for base so much words, even if again how big,also cannot accommodate all the top talent, but to improve themethod of fractional line to limit the number of admission, it seemsthe distribution was very fair, in fact, it is the distribution of "colleges"fair, because this will have more talent into their universities, reach the established goal Zhaolu College students. However, many college students don't think so, they also have the vanity, have the ability to enter the higher institutions, the highest placed in front of them target is only one, then the restrictions on the number and their own ability to admitted to the University for no reason.

"The examinee of Henan for the fairness in education" is theaspirations of many people, it is the desire and the desire to almost every Henan candidates. In order to ensure the area resource balance, it resulted in the area between the unfair. Inter provincialenrollment restrictions have made a lot of talent and stop. Is the same person, ability is "fair" One divides into two., like all peopleclimb the mountain together, some people were assigned to the foot of the mountain, there is a beginning to the mountain as the starting point, so some people will have to pay more efforts, they may evenreach the top of the mountain, but some people can sit. ANN, they need only a small effort is likely to reach the top of the hill. The destiny let the starting line "unfair" to pursue relatively fair, but draw further apart, the weak ability of talent can climb to the top of the mountain, the ability strong person was chained to the foot of the mountain, high quality resources not naturally less loss waste, the loss of talent. Although some people are paying ten times to reach the summit, but they do so and more lag. Investigate its reason,sophisticated people originally should be in the front, but was thrownin at the back, with no knowledge, contribution to the country more opportunities for less. Do not meet the don't like jobs. But there are many so-called "consistent with" the people, and they do not necessarily like, some of these people are "fair". Senior positions are those that start is standing on the hillside, experience of natural asthe rich, in fact, in terms of its actual ability, may also be inferior by comparison. This result is nothing more than "wrong" post "talent",can not play its abilities, truly talented also stood in the wrongposition, calculate do not calculate is the quality of the waste of resources?

"Public university" quality engineering "less" brought a waste of talent, it is no wonder that many Henan people seek educationalresources fairly. If you can get rich in resources and even redundantlocal resources over a little, a lot of talent of sophisticated might have got one's wish, in his love and have the ability to do work, dedication,serve the country, at least not too much waste of talent.

Institutions of higher learning to promote the "privatization" or"promotes the private university positioning", perhaps can be solve the appropriate method of brain drain.

Just announced this year's "World University Rankings 2014",Massachusetts Institute of Technology (American) with its advantage to occupy the first place, and this private university is characterized by its unique advantage at the top of the list. Before one hundred theUniversity background and nature, the proportion of private culture in Colleges and universities may be higher than the public university.Behind the reason except for the abundant teachers strength, or more talent resources. "Private" university the most significantadvantage is able to guide and attract talent, and also be able to attract more high-quality teaching resources, this is also an important reason why the "private" schools could be so famous. From thesecolleges ranking and the background we can learn a lot.

If the "private" college position to further enhance, not only limited to the "College and three", perhaps kilometer university can feel some pressure, which pressure could enhance the competitiveness of colleges and universities, self-improvement based on free competition, which is not only "hold" their "now". On the basis ofpersonal point of view, one of the best ways to promote higher education which is "self improvement". Because the quality ofuniversity education can often determine the talent level, thereby affecting the whole society and the state. This is also a potential in education "education chain", which leads to the most senior levels of education.

If the "public" colleges "monopoly" status change, university level of education will be in the "automatic updates, the pursuit of excellence"status, the best state and this is what we expect. It is the talent havepaved a level of "Golden Road"! Let more people to release, thisshould be our ultimate goal.


红叶果 2014-05-28 16:21

I think  time will prove everything .   soon it will get more  benefits to chinese education  .I will wait  for it .

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-27 13:00

A question though is: Will private education be affordable in China?