

Kindness-We can not Afford to Lose

When I was a little girl, like most Chinese children, I was longing for festival as it brings joyfulness and happiness. Several days before the eve of lunar New Year, my mother would always make a table of delicious dishes with the help of a bunch of kind-hearted neighbors. Talking and laughing, they just like family members. I was completely moved by those warm-hearted people. However, when we take a look at current situation across the whole country, I feel really sad; sad about the relationship between people is getting more and more indifferent. Those warm memories I have reminisced at young age seldom exist anymore. The situation needs to be changed!

First, let me give you examples.

On October 13, 2011, Yueyue, a 2-year-old girl, was run over twice and ignored by 18 witnesses within 7 minutes in Foshan, Guangdong province.

Also, another in point example is on May 5, 2012, several scroungers about 50 were considered as thieves in clearance area of Wuhan. And they were made to kneel down and hanged a sign before their chests saying I am a thief for nearly one hour before policemen coming.

What do you think when you hear about two pieces of news? As a Chinese, I was very shocked and very disappointed the first time when I read the news stories. And then a question comes into my mind, why Chinese people have become more and more indifferent? People blame the social system. I agree with this standpoint. People tend to be passerby only, and ignore those who are in need of help, because they are afraid of being taken advantages of by those strangers. If we only pay more attention to develop our economy and neglect the healthy growth on social morality, the society as a whole would be more cold and indifferent.

So my dear friends please show you enthusiasm and kindness to people who are disadvantaged. At least, we can avoid the generation of tragedy and warm the heart of each other.


茉莉儿 2015-11-10 23:26

I can not agree with you more!  

HailChina! 2015-11-09 23:12

I read a news story recently about a Chinese driver that ran someone over and then they actually backed over the person to make sure that they were dead instead of helping them. I was shocked to read that. I tried to understand it and all I could come up with was that disparity was to blame. But there must be more to it than that. And apparently this kind of thing has happened more than once in China. A hit and run is bad enough - but to stop and then back over someone that you have run over to make sure that they are dead and cannot identify you is difficult for me to comprehend. 

I agree that the growth of social morality will help. And also the alleviation of poverty. Poverty is relative I guess and some will always be at a disadvantage to others in some way or another - but working to ensure that all citizens have security will help a lot in my opinion.


voice_cd 2014-05-26 11:50

Good suggestion and let's change it from ourselves.

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-25 15:50

Continue to care! It matters!