

A Chinese Love Story
2014-05-20 Let me tell you guys about my dear kids, Adan and Alice. The first time that I met them, they were both graduate students in my classroom, going on two years ago. The first thing I noticed about them was that both of them had beautiful smiles on their faces and they were glowing with their love for each other. I had never seen two people so much in love.

At that time, their love was new. They had only met each other about a month before, I think, Since then, they have become very close and dear to me, and we have been on a long and not always easy path. There have definitely been ups and downs, as there probably is in most love stories.

Now, today, they tell me that they will marry. It makes me so happy to know this. I want you two to know that you will always be a big part of my life, and always in my heart.

Alice says, "we always quarrel with each other, but our love is true love." She goes on to say that "maybe we will get married very soon!" Adan says, "She often cooks for me, especially in the first period when we met each other. The classical food is green bean soup. But, in fact, she doesn't like green bean cookies. For her, the green bean soup represents something about love, the only way she knows how to express how much she likes a boy. Even though she always burns the noodles and porridge every day, but she can only cook the green bean soup very very well, and maybe that's the best soup in the world I have ever tasted." Now that is TRUE LOVE!


ColinSpeakman 2014-05-26 11:27

I wish them well. They have found happiness, that most precious of commodities that connects with love!

ALICE1234 2014-05-21 07:46

Er. Adan is so.................disgusting.

AdanC 2014-05-20 22:54