

Life with "relatively" will be colorful!~

There was a time when my good friend once told me that our homeland was a relatively small county,at that moment, "relatively",this word arouse my interest and later I always have a tendency to use this word during the conversations with others,such as "when we're doing some reviews,we usually would say 'physics is a relatively difficult subject compared to other subjects!'" or when having meal in some resturant,after tasting some food,we may judge this dish is relatively tasty,what's more,you are " relatively " handsome or beautiful.Unintentionally,"relatively",this word has been the common topic that we can talk and kid with each other, may in some friends'minds,it is boring or nothing can amuse us and our life,but I think it doesn't mean life should be filled with comlpletely interesting things,those kind of inconspicuous words and things in our life can also make a great difference,and color our life!

As a matter of fact,I can draw a conclusion that we should live with an eye that is good at observing our life,to find that tiny things and you'll be enlighted unintentionally,noticing that there are many interesting and beautiful things just around you~ May all of you happy every day....


ColinSpeakman 2014-05-20 08:09

We have a saying in English : It is all relative!  It is good to put things in context!