

Do you think I should quit my job ?
I have worked in a machine factory as a English translator for two months .My supervisor is a foreigner.My daily job is to help him to communicate with other engineers in our factory .Recently ,many employees who works many years in this factory left the company .They all complained the salary is too low and the company culture is not good .To be honest ,I am satisfied with my job and my salary (although my salary is kinda low compared with other translator ).I choose this job because I love English and I want to gather my experience .But recently ,the boss asked me to do the paperwork because the employee who responsible for this part will leave the company in next week .I do not want to do the paperwork ,because that is not my job responsibility .So do you think I should leave this company ?


elaine991 2014-05-21 10:19

hi Colin (sorry I dont know your name ),thank you for the comment .I do talk to the boss ,he said it is a temperately job .And of course ,he wont increase my salary .I just kinda upset that I have to do the paperwork .At the same time ,another company also give me a job as a translator .so ,I am still considering whether I should quit this job .

elaine991 2014-05-21 10:19

hi Colin (sorry I dont know your name ),thank you for the comment .I do talk to the boss ,he said it is a temperately job .And of course ,he wont increase my salary .I just kinda upset that I have to do the paperwork .At the same time ,another company also give me a job as a translator .so ,I am still considering whether I should quit this job .

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-15 10:31

This is a familiar situation. When a company loses staff, it is not unusual to find that the bosses look to existing staff to take on other work, even if in a different area. It is a natural way to ensure continuity while the company is finding replacement staff. You have to judge the specific situation. Is it a temporary situation or an ongoing change of job? Will your pay be the same or even you are offered more? Do you have a choice? Leaving is a serious response! Can you discuss that you really just want to stay as a translator? Is that work still needed? Also consider if some experience of other work will enhance cv and your cooperation will enhance reference. Do not do anything too hasty. At least discretely look around for other translator jobs. Remember you have only two months work on your cv at this place . A bit short and avoid a cv with lots of job hopping!