

Checking In

Hello fellow China Daily Bloggers! This is AlexisFW85 checking in to say hello...

Nothing of much interest to note since my last post about my incident with the Chinese grandma on the bus...

I'm leaving China soon, work is really hard these days, and it's all a bit overwhelming to take in.

How are you these days?


AlexisFW85 2014-05-19 19:16

We're going on a 6 month honeymoon across the US (camping, hiking mostly with some cities mixed in). We got married last year, but didn't have a honeymoon because we had to get back for work in August. We planned to save up, get honeymoon money from people who came to our wedding instead of traditional wedding gifts, and now we're able to take a six month sabbatical. My hubby is from the UK, so we'll move there after the honeymoon temporarily for him to go back to school to get his teaching license. I think I'll get back into my master's full time/work part time since it's all online based. Should be a good growth year(s) for us in the US and UK. Then it's back abroad - maybe China again, maybe somewhere new! :)

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-15 10:19

So where are you going? Will you be back?