

Hey, I'm here blogging!

Hello all, my name is Dun Lan, which is given by my father, it symbolizes fearless and valiant. Lucky me, things do turn out as one wishes, I’m utterly an outgoing boy. And you can just call me Landon.

Currently, I study electronic information engineering in my undergraduate program.

I have been told that I have good chemistry with almost everyone around me, and there’s a lot more for me to explore by making acquaintance with different people.

Tenacity is my middle name. I have to see a project through to the finish no matter what challenges I encounter along the way.

My interest in English thinking and writing urges me to participate in the very first China Daily Blog Competition. Although being an electronic science student in college, I never limit my scope in electronics.

By undergoing rigorous training in English debate, I acquired the ability to identify, analyze and solve problems. As a huge fan of debate, especially in the style of British Parliamentary(aka BP debate), I'm going to take part in the 18th "FLTRP" cup national English debate invitational this month in Beijing.

I read a lot, which is key to be a good debater. My reading list involves a lot books relating to comments on current affairs, society and economy. The very 1st English book I have ever read is the masterpiece of Michael J. Sandel,<<Justice: what's the right thing to do?>> After getting what's happening in that book:Is torture ever justified? Is it sometimes wrong to tell the truth? How much is one human life worth? I consequently ask the same questions to myself and talk with my friends.We share mutual understandings and some disagreements.

My favorite TV program is Asian Journal, broadcasting Asian news every day on Phoenix satellite TV. Reading books and keeping up with the latest news are my daily rituals.

The 1st China Daily Blog Competition is just around the corner, which is a platform for all English lovers to share their ideas and life experiences. I take it, how about you?


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