

Differences between Northern and Southern Chinese
2014-05-09 Visiting Guangzhou for a few days.

Been hearing there are stark contrasts between "bei-fang-ren" and "nan-fang-ren". What are some of the famous ones?


austinong 2014-05-11 09:18

1.) Northern Chinese are said to be more alcoholic drinkers during dining receptions, at least compared to the West.  Having attended several dining invitations, it seems to be true. 

2.) There's an interesting habit here in GZ while eating in a resto. They give you a big bowl in front of you before you start your meals. It is to allow one to rinse one's chopsticks and teacup using the water from the first batch of tea on the table. Sort of like a self-disinfectant. Quite hygienic!