

The Glimmer of happiness

Many a time we read about the current rat race of life and probably agree to it about being caught in it without an objective.The roadblocks that arises in every day life serves as a reminder that life is a challenge. Some times even a smallest of incident like someone barging infront of you and hijacking your taxi ( i must say it happened a few times with me in china ) when you are rushing in for a important event of the day adds fuel to this thinking.. life is a rat race.

Well i donot think there is probably a standard solution to the rat race or a uniform strategy for every one to break its shackles.It is to be reviewed by every individual with his or her own yardstick for happiness . But probably an important element which will breathe fresh air is to choose the tiny tots of happiness in life .There are numerous pearls scatterred around and we definitely have a choice to pick them up. The choices left to us how we uncover it and where we uncover it.

In the journey of life there will be definitely numerous occasions, encounters which will bring a glimmer of happiness and probably the endeavour should be to unearth more such of it. As the saying goes light definitely sheds after darkness.


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