

Send A Summer to You
2014-05-06 From: Lemon
To: Penguin
Passwords: SHMILY

Yesterday was the Beginning of Summer. What kind of summer of this year would be? Considering the entrance exam of postgraduate for me next year, I think it must be a busy summer. However, I like this season, and I believe that every summer has its own magic to create the most beautiful memory of the whole year. This time, I want to bring you an excellent summer though it seems too hard to become true. At least, I can show you some lovely fruit to open your journey of this unique season.

Cherry is one of my favorite. She is an angel of early summer. She could soft your heart and relax your mood.

Watermelon is a cool boy. Almost everybody loves him in the summer. He could calm you down and bring you comfort.

This is my first blog, and may this start my nice summer. Wish these fruit could make you happy.
(Pictures are from Inernet.)


柠檬茶 2014-05-07 20:18

Thanks for your comment. 

claudeckenni 2014-05-07 14:34

Wishing you a happy summer as well. I hope it won't be too hot this year...