

Ukraine - inside view
2014-04-20 Views are as diverse as are people. Media is biased by design.
With no first hand knowledge of my own, I go to those who are directly affected
live in the area and do have a direct perspective. I have friends in Kiev. from a
popular forum (vk.com ) this is one persons view translated from Russian to English.:
I personnelly am to ignorant to have a political view.. However have a moral obligation
toward respect for life and Non-Violence. and free speach from All perspectives.
I do stress ALL . when only two (2) perspectives are presented you get an
"Engeltarin Dialectic" synopsis leading to a predictable outcome... (another Topic)
here is a view quoted from VK,com:

Brothers and sisters , following March 18.
From the bad:
1. This is war. Invasion forces Putin to Ukraine came to a terrible and, alas , the laws of apotheosis : the Russians in the Crimea and their mongrel - policemen of the
so-called "Self-defense " kill Ukrainians. Today in Simferopol one Ukrainian military killed and two were wounded .
How would the Kremlin is not covered further their crazy adventures today finally became clear : this is a war , and no other definitions can not be happening . We
were attacked Russia , and our soldiers to the last remaining true to the oath , Russia kills .
I wrote earlier that it - not the war against the Russians in Ukraine , Putin and the war only against Ukraine. I have to sadly admit that I was wrong. Ukraine started the
war against the Russians led by Putin , their hands are in our blood - it is an indisputable fact .
According to Putin, 95% of Russians support his desire to "protect compatriots" at any cost. That is, 95 % were in fact for Ukraine to drown in the blood of these
otherwise I do not understand the sociological data .
In front of us - the enemy . Who would not prove to me that - but it is an enemy . Can convince me that Putin has beautiful eyes , and in Russia - birch wonderful ,
but I see a new Hitler and the new Reich . All discussions on this subject consider inappropriate. We must be protected , and their breasts close spineless Europe
until it counts losses from a possible quarrel with Russia. It seems that this is the mission of our tragic .
Ukrainian Defense Ministry has officially allowed the military to use weapons in the Crimea .
This is a very difficult decision , because the results are unpredictable .
But we are talking about the army - the people that the country gave up arms , and to be able to protect themselves and the people . So, it is the right decision . The only question is , what we can and will help our guys standing on their outposts in an ocean of hatred.
2 . Ukrainian soldier was killed immediately after the bloody maniac Putin told his dream to conquer the world , starting with Ukraine. " We are clearly in the face external opposition , but we have to decide for yourself whether we are ready to defend their interests or will take them forever , no one knows where to retreat ,"said Putin .
This is - a challenge not only to Ukraine . This - a declaration of war to the entire civilized world. As fate would we - the first ones under their zamatyvaem Putin's war machine rollers . The sooner the rest realize that stop these paranoid from the East - a general sacred duty , the better for the planet. And for Ukraine.
3 . Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin come up with yet another excuse for war with Ukraine. These scumbags stuffed his commandos and agents of the FSB Transnistria, where they make their forays into Ukraine.
Our border guards and security forces put them screener . Now Rogozin hysteria , saying that Ukraine " has
arranged blockade of Transnistria ."

March 20 - A meeting of the Russian government on this issue. Result is clear in advance : Ukraine More on this issue will be announced criminal. There is no limit to Russian meanness and vileness
Of good :
On the background of the above, once there is no optimism. But I'll try .
1. The EU does not recognize the annexation of the Crimea and Sevastopol Russia
- this according to a joint statement by the Presidents of the European Council
Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.
Although Europe had been here the position . Though there is not stuck a knife in the back.
The term " annexation " of the mouth of the Europeans to Russia - for them , a serious feat .
I thank them for it though .
2 . If Moscow will support the " nationalization " of the property in the Ukrainian Crimea , Kiev would seek compensation for losses due to its assets - both in Ukraine and in Europe .
This was announced by Justice Minister Pavel Petrenko.
In this kind, but the crafty man with Ukrainian surname Petrenko casually dropped that Russian "Gazprom"
has a lot of facilities in Europe. No comments yet.
3 . Budget deficit Crimea considering sotsvyplat enormous. This was told by former acting Finance Minister Ihor Umansky . "The gap between the money that go to the Crimea and from the Crimea, is about 12-13 billion hryvnia (about $ 1.4 billion ) ," - he said.
That Crimean separatists were notorious parasites overeat Ukraine , Putin is now trying to pile them on the neck of the Russian taxpayers - weak consolation . That we actually already knew .
But the love of the Crimea as part of our Ukraine , did not cease .
In general, after today's events , I have only one wish for the coming day . But since it is sincere but not very pious wish concerns the life and health of some scum of the number of " brotherly people " out of respect for Christian morality I have not voiced . Let's just let everything will be fine .

another article follows. ....

Anyone wishing to live in Russia , read this man's response , which should act as a guarantor of security, prosperity and financial well-being of its citizens so many times that
-----goes on to bash Putin with a picture..... etc.


ColinSpeakman 2014-04-20 12:42

Thanks for posting. It makes grim reading and if you read my earlier post on What next for Ukraine? You will see I fear that Putin will be willing to take indirectly more action in East Ukraine.