

Chinese Students College Rejection Letter : Ways to handle "the Letter&quot
2014-04-18 *Warning-- please only use this advice if you feel you REALLY deserve to go to the dream US college you had applied for. And you don't understand why you were rejected. There's no guarantee that the advice below will work for anyone, but if it's worth a try.

The story:
One of my student (let's call her JennJenn) was rejected from the US school she had applied in. She was totally confused as to why she had been rejected because the college had actually visited her Beijing school and one of the American professors who had seen her perform said if she could only meet the university application, she would surely be accepted. (she had applied for the music school).

Her main weakness was she only made the minimum TOEFL score. She felt her school grades, her musical performance and portfolio, and all the other application requirements were all strong.

There are many reasons why a university rejects applicants, even good ones! We should respect their decision . However if you really feel like you are qualified and deserving, there are actually some steps you can take to "ASK for a RECONSIDERATION". most universities would not mind doing this.

To ask for a reconsideration:
1.) Write a RESPECTFUL, CONSIDERATE, and CLEAR "letter for reconsideration" to the contact person who you communicate with during the whole application process (usually this is the Ofc. of Admission).

2.) Explain clearly why you deserve to be part of the incoming batch of students:
+List down all the accomplishments you've made since applying
+Any improvements/additional classes you may have had. Noting you've taken extra efforts to improve your English helps a lot.
(Universities want student who are not complacent and strive to improve themselves. So if you show them you continued being a hard-working student even though you already applied for college admission, this would show a good characteristic of a future college student).
+What makes the college special. Why is it unique that you REALLY have to be part of it. for example, does it have a special program/library/professor that you know that sets the college apart from other colleges? Otherwise, they'd think you are just pushing your luck to be accepted by any US university to get out of China. Nobody wants this.
3.) If possible, get a recommendation letter from a teacher (preferably English teacher) who can confirm your fluency in the English language and verify the achievements you mentioned in your letter.

This is what JennJenn did. And luckily it worked!

Remember: ASK ASK ASK! As long as you ask, in a respectful and sincere way, most Americans would be happy to help even after they've rejected you.

Please share this to students who may have been traumatized or continue to be confused due to a rejection letter they may have recently received.


The first rejection letter.

Acceptance Letter after Reconsideration. I'm so proud of you! You deserve this!
For others, good luck! Stay positive, don't give up :)


austinong 2014-04-20 14:32

Thanks for sharing!  Have you experienced helping any Chinese nationals enroll in the US community colleges?  I did mention this to some of my students...fell on deaf ears it seems.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-18 21:51

A great story. We should not overlook the priority given to transfer students (academic route) from Washington State Community Colleges. That method is not fashionable with Chinese parents but can get you in and save money over the four years. I have worked with both UW and the community colleges BTW.