

Don't say: that's ok with me
A farm master put the rat clip in his barn. ​
The mouse found and to tell chicken. ​
Chicken looked at the mouse said: "what does this have to do with me, I sympathize with you." ​
Chicken and went away. ​
He ran to tell the pig. ​
Pig light said: "this is you of matter, you be careful". ​
Say that finish walked leisurely. ​
He ran to tell big cattle. ​
Big cattle facial expression indifferent to say: "have you ever seen a rat clip to clip to death a cow? I wish you good luck". ​
Say that finish also proud to go. ​
Then,Rat clip clipped a snake. ​
In the evening when the hostess into the granary check was bitten by the snake and has been admitted to the hospital. ​
Male host to fill the hostess body and kill the hen. ​
The hostess relatives come to visit after discharge, male host slaughter the pig to entertain the guests. ​
In order to give the hostess sees a doctor to owe a lot of money. ​
The master sold the large cattle , and it killed by slaughterhouses . ​

Revelation: a person whether in society or in the enterprise, or in teams, can't hold things claptrap, hang high mentality, want to know. Maintenance, maintenance team, others is to maintain themselves. The achievements of others, can achieve. "A different Angle, the different view." Sometimes change my mood, enjoy the good things around, just calm down and listen to appreciate, you will be surprised to find, should be so beautiful things, nearby before their eyes, never had the physical and spiritual feeling, originally just didn't care about himself, accidentally omitted. The present, cherish everything I already have, take care and have a good hug! ​


huaren2323 2014-04-13 13:02

What gets around goes around? We are a global village..good stories...I hope we are as lucky as the rats when the weather, earthquake and cyclone hits us in different parts of the world while we bicker about liberty justice and even as Seanboyce88 continues his arguments and debating at the edge of the cliff in the middle of a storm....a foolish highlander ...

nosherwanabbasi 2014-04-13 00:34

nice story, and its ok with me believe me

teamkrejados 2014-04-11 17:58

Just goes to show: even the smallest thing that has nothing at all to do with you can affect you.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-11 17:41

good questions.. but it still shows we are living in an interconnected world. There is a phrase: we need to build a better mousetrap.  Then the snake dies and that solves the problem! 

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-11 17:39

bukeqi. write some more! 

winnielin0205 2014-04-11 17:09

I was wondering what can chicken or pig or other animals can do with the rat clips to avoid such ending?
Let's say even if they know how it goes, what should they do?
What's more, that is RAT that talk to these animals. Would you listen to or believe someone's word when you know he is a THIEF?
Since it is a rat clip, it is instinct to get away from that...And why can't rat clip clip the snake to death?

tedbrent 2014-04-11 16:27


Fred.Hui 2014-04-11 15:15

Friends,thanks for your reading and comment.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-10 15:33

A nice story.. As far as I can tell, the mouse is still alive!  That's OK with him!