

My First Days in Hong Kong
MangKok to Sai Kung
August 12, 2011 at 6:15am
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MangKok is a very busy business district where I have been the first 3 days, at nite some of the streets are blocked for foot traffic only. Every square meter is bustling with activity. USA could learn alot about business here. I have learned to use the subway system, for travel to other areas. I have an "optipus" card for easy payment. Now I am residing in Sai Kung I take the mini bus, 16 seat, to & fro.

Its a half hour ride with speed limits up to 70 KPH. The speed is shown on a electronic screen, When the bus hits 81 a bell goes off till speed decreases.

With all the traffic I am surprised that I have not yet seen a fender bender or even a single dent in any vehicle! I was surprised to have a dejavue . I have been to Sai Kung before! 4 years ago. It is the town on the coast where the fishing boats unload there catch. Everything is alive and deposited into aquariums the restaurants have. customers can pick out their meal from the tanks . Can not get any fresher than this! I am glad to be here, Unlike MongKok, I can reach out and not touch 6 people within my arm span. I picked up 5 tiger prawns tonite and brought them home One prawn saw the boiling water coming and jumped to the floor. but only temporarily avoided his fate. From my time in Oz I remembered how to rip off the legs and clean them. Umm Good.


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