

CULTURE ShOcK, 4 things I didn't No

After living in China for 2 years I thought I knew the culture fairly well and have done my best not to offend my hosts.

I love the foods, (a few exceptions) I’d rode three on an E-bike going against traffic.

Litter constantly Smoke in restaurants , I can even accept squat toilets!
However when I moved into an apartment with several native Chinese,

I found many culture differences I did not expect.
1. In winter time with temp below 10 C my room-mates would open doors and windows. I could see my breath and went around closing these windows and doors. This irritated my flatmates as they said they needed "Fresh Air!" When I pointed out you could not see 1 kilometer away due to the smog, and this "fresh air" left a lawyer of dust inside.. It did not register.

2. Some of the odors they wanted to disperse with the "fresh Air" were due to food being left out. I suggested that I would bring in a refrigerator, and the foods could be covered and put inside, even drinks? They said "NO, a refrigerator would waste electricity" . It is cold enough .
3. I removed newspaper or green plastic covering the windows in the main big room, (and my bedroom) to allow sunlight to enter. They objected, saying people could now see inside and they valued privacy more than sunshine.
never mind this is the top floor with unobstructed south exposure. ( Maybe a cultural habit inspired by generations ,,make sure all doors lock, privacy/security.., That may be another post)

Currently (1) the weather has warmed so not an issue so much. (2) No fridge.

(3) Compromised, a simple curtain allows both privacy and sunshine.

4. Gam Bay! (bottoms Up) Meals are the #1 social event and I am very often treated by my new and old friends.
Toasting is almost continuous with the Chinese beer. I cannot match them cup for cup. Not that I am afraid to get drunk. The fact is the beer is bloody piss-water, about 3.2 % Alcohol content, and I am more likely to get bloated and sick from it before I ever catch a "buzz". So, I am not a "good drinker" , and may offend my hosts by not matching their habits. Sorry bout that
.. I lose Face…… (To be continued…. Face Restored)


remitrom 2014-03-25 07:01

toilet is in a tile room with the shower and has a door.
But I have never seen a squat toilet with a lid.

remitrom 2014-03-25 06:56

3 or even 4 people on a E-bike is common, Going the wrong way in the slow lane (bus lane) is also common. It is easier to go the correct direction so you may chose the foot path instead when traffic is heavy.
The danger factor goes up with so many wrong way drivers, so you need a loud horn and quick reflexes.

ColinSpeakman 2014-03-25 03:14

Open squat toilets?

laoren1234 2014-03-25 02:18

I love your part ... " ... rode three on an e-bike going against traffic ... ".  Is that hard to do?