

Snow in Beijing

These white flakes called snow always fills me with excitement and this year I am missing it as I stare at the smog filled skies and relish of my previous years memories. So When beijing experienced the first showers of snow in november that year I definitely wanted to enjoy its cold embrace. Well you cannot literally embrace it as you need to tuck yourself in winter garb from head to toe but besides that, picking up those white jewels and flushing it across the face of your loved ones , your fund filled adrenalin never recedes. Well that is what I did . I literally bullied my queen( my better half Luna) into a stroll in the snow filled garden of our compound. Well a few minutes later she never regretted.

Was it year 2012, We have been witnessing frequent showers in beijing. Snowing in the evening is actually the most fascinating part to witness which actually propels you into a disney land kind of world provided you are walking on a snow filled street with proper street lights bringing in a kind of dreamy effect. The blanket of snow which covers houses, trees, cars & buses and everything else does not discriminate and is generous to everyone and everything. Now this is worth seeing I believe.

Well snowfall also beings in some other elements like traffic jams etc but neverthe less these blessings from heaven still makes life beautiful. A popular saying in china also supports it " A fall of seasonal snow gives promises of a fruitful year". So while there are speculations and discussions and all kind of analysis to understand the amount of snowfall, variations with previous years etc, I just choose to enjoy the beauty.

Prodip Chandra Borkakoty


remitrom 2014-05-01 08:28

WONDERFUL !!  enjoy the moment,  be aware of the beauty around you...

Prodipchandra 2014-04-29 22:14

thank you

voice_cd 2014-03-04 17:04

Thanks for sharing your story here! We have highlighted your story to the homepage.

Huajiadi_Raider 2014-03-03 18:31

Very nicely written, Mr. Prodip !

ColinSpeakman 2014-03-02 19:33

When I look for the positives of life in Beijing one that is always to the fore is that the capital provides all four seasons. That kind of change can be good .. including snow - so long as we do not get too much of it!