

Memorial Weekend is a Time to Thank those who Served Others

I write this message today, Friday afternoon before Memorial Day. Here in USA, Memorial Day is a day to think of the people who served our country and made it possible to live in a free nation. My baba was in the army and serviced the trucks and tanks needed to be ready as they fought against an army that wanted to take over the world. It is because of men and women like that, to keep our freedom of speech and to travel as we please.

Also - a National Holiday is Monday, May 28th- so the office is closed and I need not work. I will go for a motorcycle ride and visit my brother and his family. We will share a meal and talk about our baba. Our baba passed away on the 28th of May some years ago - so I will say a prayer and probably shed a tear.
Blessings to you and your family and be sure to enjoy every moment with your parents. They are a Gift.


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