

Cherish the Present

Saturday,I will take part in SET, which is the abbreviation of Sinopec English Test. I have no mood to review all the things I have learned during the last four months even I know reciting some sample articles is quite benificial at present.

Actually, I am a little cntradicted. Getting a high score is significant for me, so I'd better try my best to do some necessary review. However, a high English level is not a result after short term studying, so I don't need to struggle at the last minute, desiring to perform the true level I have been.

Sometimes, I think of the life. To some degree, I believe in fate. The day I was born has determined my whole life. Some struggle and all the so-called success have been designed. We are walking according to guidance of destination on the road of life, even though some key choices I made in different stages of life. Many opportunities I thought I have seized and I have been ever very happy then are also predestinate, instead I have changed my life because of them.

So, what I should do? In the past few years, I have been busy persuing a beautiful ,stunning , thriving future but ignoring the present life. I think of what I have got and what if I could't reach that prosperity. Now I know cherishing the present life with my family, having a peaceful mind and living with a happy mood are my best choice no matter if it is a rich life or not.


liu5222512 2014-01-13 12:09

We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 
-- Mattin Luther King

You can make the most of life, or you can let it waste away, it's your choice.

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

voice_cd 2014-01-09 09:15

Your photo has been recommended to the homepage. Thanks for sharing here !

BellaJiang 2014-01-08 15:50

Yeah ,enjoy yourself and cherish everyday.