

roosters fighting
Remembering my mum's 2 little roosters grow up in garden in this summer? Look they are mature and aggressive and easy to fighting in speacy backyard. Primarily because they are both male chicken with strong sence of occupy its own space ; Secondly they never meet a female chicken ever,lol~maybe they just prepare to fight for female hem.
Anyway,they are very healthy and adorable chickens I have ever meet before, cause I rise them up in this summer,2013.

6 months later then they start to fighting


lnjiajia 2013-12-18 21:38

thanks for your comment from which I acquire some knowledge I never know and phrases i used in improper situation! bravo!

snowipine 2013-12-17 01:04

Gamecock is a rare birds and good at fighting, Sometimes they would fight to the final breath, we say untill their death.
Sometimes we say two people debating so fiery, it is like a cockfighting.
Cockfighting games originated in Asia.
China is one of the world's oldest countries in domesticating gamecocks.
Gamecock with good breed can be used for entertainment and invaluable.
Your pet roosters maybe belong to the super quality ones.