

Awesome Mother Nature
Travelling is in my blood and I derive the greatest pleasure from travelling alone. IT keeps me on my toes and I learnt alot about other cultures. On 1 such trip, whilst in Greenland I actually stumbled upon a very interesting discovery. 3a.m. and it was like afternoon back home and I could still see boys playing football in the small park. Unable to sleep, I went out to look around the hotel foyer. There were lots of ornaments in the show cupboard and my eyes landed on a unicorn with its horn held straight and proud in front of him. There were also lots of other mammals like seals, walruses, whales and dolphins. What tweeked my interest was a whale with a kind of unicorn 'horn' on its head, as I seem to see it everywhere around the hotel, pictures on the wall, wood carvings etc. On enquiring, the old receptionist told me that it is a narwhale and that they are still surviving around the seas of Greenland although not as much as before. He showed me a 7 feet horn which is placed on brackets above the entrance door of the hotel and I just could not take my eyes off it. I never knew such a mammal existed and I always thought they were just fairy tales, now I am also beginning to believe that perhaps the unicorn also existed once upon a time. I was told that when the seas around the area iced over during winter, that is when the horns come in useful for the whales as they need to surface once in awhile. Nature is indeed awesome.


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