

The devils and the angels in our lives.
Life always have its ups and downs, I suppose that is what it is all about, the ups to make up happier for awhile and the downs for us to learn something. Some could just be in the passing and we soon forget all about it and some would bring us tremendous heartache for a long time. But I believe everything happens for a reason and it is up to us to see what we can learn from it. When the devil strikes, it can often bring us down to our knees in despair and I am sure most of us has been through this. The devil will cause us tremendous anger, hurt, despair, mistrust, misforgivings etc. If we can get over all this and learn our lesson, then we would have benefitted from the devil, for making us stronger and more resilient for the future.
Every once in awhile, even during times of despair, we might even come across an angel who makes things better, like restoring some amount of faith in the human race as an example. Of course there are angels amongst us, people who go all out to help you whether in times of big or small need and people who understand how you are feeling. Angels or devils need not come from within our family, in fact, total strangers can sometimes become our angel in our eyes and I think I have met one through this site. Thank you angel.


huaren2323 2013-11-29 00:36

Life is a journey. The thorns and weeds complements the breathtaking flora and fauna that makes this life journey interesting.

snowipine 2013-11-27 18:14

Angels are everywhere, love others wiht love, angel can meet angels sooner or later.