

Sometimes Stormy Weather makes me feel like a Child
Last Evening I was awoke at 2:00 AM by the loud crash of thunder - and even though I am a big, strong guy, I felt like a small boy. I did the responsible adult things... I unplugged my computer, my television and other electronics and returned to my bedroom and huddled under the covers. I curled up into a ball and tears filled my eyes as lonliness and a longing for my life as a child overwhelmed me. As the lightning and thunder came closer, closer every moment - I wanted to be held by my mother again. Sometimes Stormy Weather makes me feel like a Child... My mother has passed into eternal life - and I miss her often. As an adult, I am supposed to accept Life and Death and realize that things must mature and move on - but to me, Stormy Weather makes me feel like a Child... wanting to be held in the arms of a safe, caring mother.
Family love should stronger than the love for money - never forget that. We need to have a desire to become successful and make our path in the school and business world, but we also need to never forget the sacrifices that our parents did to bring us into a healthy lifestyle. I'm not sure why this come out when the storms of life approach - but this is when I feel it most.
Sometimes Stormy Weather makes me feel like a Child.

Lightning coming closer


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