

The days together with illness.
I am optimistic and active, and I am very healthy. I like all kinds of sports.
But to my surprise, I fell ill a few days ago.
So I came to the Harbin Second Medical Hospital to see the doctors.
After some medical examinations, I had to be in hospital.
When living in the ward, I saw so many sick people , some lying in bed, some stumbling in the hallways .
Comparing with the patients, my situation was better than them, and I'm a little lucky.
Last Friday, I was sent into the operation room, I faced all strange.
Only some nurses were busy in the operation room and then the anaesthetist came in , he asked me how heavy I was. Then a nurse held a mask letting me breath some oxygen, in fact it's anaesthetic , later I know, the nurse told a lie in order not to let me frighten.
When wearing the mask, I fell asleep and didn't know anything. After a fast sleeping, I woke up and still saw the few nurses busy, no doctors, so I asked them if I had had an operation, they answered me the operation had finished, I couldn't pronounce well and I felt something stuffed my throat when I asking.From 4:30pm to 6:00pm, I had slept for one and a half hours.
Now I recovered and came back home again. But the sights the patients were tormented with diseases in the hospital always appear in front of my eyes.
Health is so important for everyone. If there is no health, there is no anything. Health comes first.
Hope everyone to slow down your busy steps and focus on your body and take good care of yourself.
Keep healthy and keep away from diseases!


snowipine 2013-09-17 11:41

Hospital is a good place,  it's indispensableour for our happy life, and sometimes it's not so welcome, we all don't want to call on it anyway. 
Good luck to you, wish you recover up asap.