

A plan and a goal - HSK 汉语水平考试
2013-06-01 I just returned from China with some encouragement from my colleagues there and some very special gifts: study guides for the HSK (汉语水平考试). My colleagues there have been wonderfully helpful with my efforts to learn Mandarin and Cantonese, and they have appreciated my help with their English. Our current plan of action is that we'll use Mandarin for non-business matters (e.g. hotel, dinner, sight-seeing, etc.) and English for the technical matters since their English is better than my Mandarin. It's working so far, and they've noticed a significant improvement in my Mandarin since my previous visit in December.

But as I've stated in a previous blog entry (http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/?63133), in order to reach a goal there needs to be a way to know that you've reached that goal (the goal must be measurable) and you need a plan. Ideally, the plan will have measurable steps along the way so you can tell that you're making progress.

One problem I've had in studying Chinese is the lack of available textbooks that are correct and that have answer keys available. I have plenty of HSK test prep books with answer keys, but they are mock tests. I'll use those when I'm ready for the test to practice. I have one textbook that has answers, but I've shown it to several Chinese colleagues here and in China and they've said that the material in the book is just wrong. It is not how people speak - it is quite outdated, so I'm not using it.

I don't have a good textbook with an answer key. (If anyone can obtain an answer key for the China Panorama series - both Approaching Chinese and Intermediate Chinese, or for "Integrated Chinese, second edition" both levels 1 and 2, please let me know!) However, I can't let that interfere with my studies because if I do, I'll never get anywhere.

So - I've set up a schedule for studying the lessons in the book including time to learn vocabulary and do the written exercises. I'm intentionally starting at the very beginning of the books even though my Chinese is better than that because there are vocabulary items that I need to pick up along the way so I'll be able to use the later chapters in the book. With my current plan, I should finish both levels of Integrated Chinese in January of 2015. I have an older edition of the book (second edition), but according to the publisher the first half of level two is enough to prepare for HSK level 4. I'm hoping that all the way through level 2 will be enough for HSK level 5, but I will have time after finishing the book to study and prepare. My goal is to take the HSK and pass at least level 4 if not level 5 before I turn 50, which will be in November of 2015. There is nothing special about turning 50 other than it is a deadline, and it is easier to reach a goal when you have a reasonable deadline.

In my usual bordering-on-OCD manner, I've set up a spreadsheet with each lesson in the books, a planned start date and a planned end date, actual start date and actual end date, number of vocabulary items in the lesson, running total, number of "new"* (see below) vocabulary items in the lesson, and running total.

If there is someone out there who is preparing to take the TOEFL or the IELTS and wants to exchange language help, please send me a private message so we can work out how to help each other. I have QQ and 微信.

*new = in this case, I count a vocabulary item as "new" if I cannot do any of the four things one must be able to do with a word to know it: recognize it when written, recognize it when hearing it, say it, and write it from memory.


lscat123 2013-06-06 09:53

WOW, BRAVO!We can help each other!

querist 2013-06-05 22:23

No, I am not. I assure you. I am just very determined to master your language because it is the key to understanding your culture. 

Every time I look into Chinese culture, I emerge from the experience as a better person. I want very much to understand China better. I travel there twice each year, and because of that I want to understand the language more.

 YOUAREMY-SUNS 2013-06-05 22:20

You are great.

querist 2013-06-05 20:44

I would greatly appreciate that, and if you need help with your English, let me know because I was an English teacher.

lscat123 2013-06-05 10:09

If you have  questions on gramme or something else, I think I can help you! Because my major is Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language! 

querist 2013-06-05 02:28

I just submitted another blog entry on achieving goals, so you may want to read it when it becomes available. It talks about how it's important to let other people know what you're trying to do.

querist 2013-06-04 20:26

The real goal is HSK-5, but we'll see what happens. The plan just involves a good set of books with answers, the willingness to give up my lunch hours at work every day for studying, and friends who are willing to answer grammar questions for me.

If you're planning to take the TOEFL or IELTS, send me a private message. I'm on QQ, 微信. and Skype.

lscat123 2013-06-04 10:00

You have a strong desire to pass the HSK-4. I think I should learn from you! I should have a plan for myself, too.  

querist 2013-06-03 20:52

Thank you! I will try to put up more posts. I just came back from China, and I'm going on another short business trip next week, but I'll do my best to keep posting.

linlinlinlin 2013-06-03 10:44