

I Don't Like To Participate
2013-05-26 Just a few minutes ago I was reading and reading and looking at some posts here in chinadaily forum. I was disappointed after reading some responses because the members or respondents are already saying bad words to fellow members. In my opinion, it is alright to disagree but not throwing foul words to one another.

I feel so sad that I stopped and didn't continue reading. A healthy forum or exchange of idea is what is supposed to be written. There might be jokes or bullying but not as foul as the one I have read recently. There are people who are good at writing words that disagrees an opinion but not causing bad impact because the words are not offensive.

Well I am just expressing and thinking out loud here. I need not be heard but if heard I hope action will be done to create a harmonious environment here.



magnumlea 2013-06-18 20:23


HappyBoy411 2013-06-13 23:49

I think you are correct. Many want to learn to read and write English better and to be put down or ridiculed is sad to me.
How many people would participate if responses were civil and enriching to each other??

Anna2 2013-05-28 21:36

Can't agree more.