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Amerikan Diabetics Are Being Lied To



Apr 19, 2024, 01:04

In 2020, the then ADA president, Tracey D Brown, rocked the diabetes world when she disclosed that she had type 2 diabetes and had gotten off insulin and other medications by adhering to a low-carbohydrate diet.
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“Giving insulin to someone with diabetes is like giving more alcohol to an alcoholic when they are shaking. It will treat the symptom – ie, the high sugar will come down – but in the end we make the disease worse and increase the chances of long-term complications.”
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I couldn’t understand why only a tiny minority of clinicians seem to recommend a diet-based approach to diabetes treatment, rather than the insulin-heavy regimen I was initially prescribed. Or why the ADA’s huge educational campaigns soft-pedaled the diet, and preferred to let millions of people with type 2 diabetes take numerous medications or shoot themselves up with insulin instead.
- Low-carb diets work. Why does the American Diabetes Association push insulin instead?

In fact, throughout Europe (but not Poodleville) a low-carb diet IS the prescription for diabetics. The answer is obvious. PROFIT! There's NO PROFIT in telling them to simply avoid carbohydrates. In fact, one article I read, "In Defense of Carbs", pointed out that protein gets converted to carbs. anyway and claims that it's just an expensive way of eating carbs. But the difference is there's far less.

We know the Ancel Keys report villifying fats was funded by the sugar industry and Keys cherry-picked the data to show the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth. Harvard was also bribed by the sugar industry to endorse the fraudulent report. The result has been generations suffering from diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity.

The Zionist Daily Telegraphic nonsense (which never knowingly prints anything which isn't palpably absurd) still peddles carbohydrates and vegetables because it's cheap fodder for the sheeple. Here's a propaganda article downplaying the Keto diet, which is low-carb. It offers a graphic of vegetables only: "The keto diet: Everything you need to know".

When Beijing hospital pioneered stem cell cures, the Anglo/Jew propaganda smeared it, claiming there was no evidence of improvement. But this was similar to Nelson holding a telescope to his blind eye.

"Texas coach Sam Harrell cured by Panama Stem Cell Clinic and returns to coaching"


The video ends with him running up a flight of stairs to demonstrate how he was cured.

When I saw this, a second video started, featuring an amerikan academic who admitted his research was funded by Big Pharma. He too claimed there was no evidence of improvements from stem cell cures.

Great Satan and poodle doctors are now nothing more than pill pushers working for Big Pharma.

"How Doctors are Bribed To Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease"

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