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An Intelligent, Learning Humanoid Robot?!?!



Apr 19, 2024, 01:00

China has beaten Elon Musk yet again.

Dressed in red shoes, pink trousers, and a white T-shirt with a cute clasp, TongTong is capable of engaging with her "daddy" and "mummy" individually, understanding their intentions and participating in tasks such as helping them mop the floor, washing a dirty rag, and switching on the TV.
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When she sees a mirror, she chooses to wipe off the red dots on her face, rather than the red dots seen in the mirror, and can snack on a cookie when she is hungry, reflecting her self-awareness. Currently, TongTong can help with a range of tasks. When her mother wants to move a basket, she takes away the chair that blocks it and when her mother spills milk on the floor, she finds a rag and mops it up and then cleans the dirty rag herself.
- Prototype of intelligent humanoid TongTong to be unveiled

Ones looking like Arnie will sell like hot-cakes.

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