

An Irrational Hostility Towards China

It is strange that there is such hostility towards a country that has provided and continues to provide plenty of ( increasingly, to now about 90%) of all the daily use products affordably to most of the world, by their people working hard, for low wages, for about the past 30 years! The hostility is due to this very reason that they do so!! What seems to be forgotten is that this dependence is one we have willingly cultivated, developed, engineered and participated in for over 30 years!!

We have 'forgiven', 'moved-on', 'made peace' and are happy to work with countries that have enslaved, tortured, looted and exploited us for centuries and still provide hardly anything without charging a hefty price!

I suspect the real reasons for hostility towards China are not noble enough to be made public and have to do with a very strong envy or jealousy. Such is human nature.

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